Social Studies: Egypt Projects
In social studies we chose a topic we wanted to learn more about and researched it. Popular choices were mythology, pyramids, and pharaohs. Then we created models, presentations, or whatever we wanted to do to share our learning with the class. Below are some of our awesome projects.
Patrycja researched and built a model of the Sphinx.
Connor made a comic about Egyptian gods.
Ben researched the mystery of Tut's death.
Charlie made another great stop-action movie, this time about Egyptian tombs.
Trey built a Lego model of the Sphinx.
Matt researched a lot of different gods.
Cassy showed us how papyrus is made with her really detailed model. Ziran made an Egyptian boat or felucca and explained how Egyptians used these boats. Paul made a model of a pyramid and also sculpted a cobra
Sean did a really nice slideshow about the story of Horus and Osiris.
Cecelia built a 3-D, foldout pyramid.
Isabel taught us about mythical Egyptian dragons and cobras. One represented the circle of life by chewing its own tail! She also drew the dragons. This is one of her favorites.
Emilia did a two-part project. She made a model of the Nile River, and then she also made a display board about the land and rocks around the Nile.
Second Step
In Advisory we are doing a program called Second Step. We are learning about empathy, which is having feelings for others. In these pictures below we are practicing scenarios involving respectfully disagreeing. Now we will try to use the skills we've practiced at home and at school in real situations.
Claire, Keatyn, Nathan W., Emma
Annie, Emilia, Paul, Om
Social Studies: Daily Lives of the Egyptians Skits
Rhea, Veronica, Annie, and Connor taught us about the mummification process that the Egyptian priests used.
Patrycja, Sean, Emma, and Michael taught us what Egyptian artisans did--carved stone, painted, and made jewelry.
Nathan W. is a servant at a banquet of Egyptian government officials. They were just below the pharaohs on the social pyramid and had very fancy feasts where they drank out of gold cups and listened to music.
Here one of the peasant groups is working in the fields and singing a song about how they "love their work." If they didn't work hard, they could be beaten!
∑igma Celebrations!
Meeting for B.Y.O.T. (Bring Your Own Technology)
We (Rhea, Michael P, Henry, and Ben) were asked by Mrs. Bingaman to make a presentation about bringing our own technology to school for school purposes only. We got to show our presentation to all of the District 25 administrators! We told them about a set of guidelines we made for using our own technology and answered questions about it. We were a little nervous about presenting, but we had a lot of fun, too. Watch our presentation below:
B.Y.O.T. Presentation
the projects look awesome.