Friday, February 22, 2013

Weekly Update 2/22/13

Weekly Update 2/22/13

Rocco, Paul, Jack, Nathan W, Trey, Devin

Language Arts:  
Analyzing and Comparing Complex Texts
In LA we read an excerpt from It Was More Than Just a Game by Ron Fimrite.  It was originally published in Sports Illustrated in 1987.  It is about the 1963 Loyola of Chicago basketball team and the national championship.  It was really important because it was the first time black and white kids played against each other in the NCAA championship.  The Mississippi State coach had to sneak his team out of town to go to the game because Mississippi was such a segregated state.  
We were analyzing the text, answering questions, and comparing it to Martin Luther King, Jr's I Have a Dream Speech and Maniac Magee.  We compared how each author wrote about the problems of segregation.


This is what the original article looked like in Sports Illustrated.  Click on the link below to read the entire article from the Sports Illustrated archives.
Isabel and Michael working on answering questions together about It was More than Just a Game.

Jack B., Matt B., and Michael P. discussing their responses.

Lorie and Patrycja thinking about their answers.

We did skits to act out weather fronts.  Everyone got a part. The papers in people's hands were the clouds and sun. It was super fun. We learned about how when warm and cold fronts hit each other, then big storms break out and tornadoes can happen.

Water Cycle
In science we made posters of the water cycle. We cut out pictures from Time for Kids and other magazines. We had to find pictures that we could glue on our poster to show precipitation, condensation run-offs, and evaporation.
Veronica's  poster

Morgan's poster

Students leading Second Step
In Second Step we had the students be the the teachers instead of the teachers.  Our lesson was about bystanders.  We learned about what to do if you see someone being bullied.  The best suggestion we learned is to tell the bully to stop and to reassure the victim.  We would tell the victim to tell the teacher, and if the person didn't want to then we would tell the teacher ourselves.  
Here is Jackie teaching 6-11.

And here is Tyler teaching.

 ∑igma Celebrations!
In Family and Consumer Science we made pillows.
(from left to right Ben, Alex S, Om, Owen and Jack S.)

Jack S. finished the wooden puzzle.

During lunch today we played Simon Says, and Emilia won for 6-12 and Patrycyja won for 6-11.  Good luck to them in the championships on Monday!!


  1. Great job on the blog guys! Can't wait until Family Consumer Science!


  2. great job JACK BLUMENFELD. good job on the blog. Looking Pretty.

  3. The science reinactment was fun
    -Alex S

  4. nice job completing the cube Jack! -Cecelia

  5. I think that the water cycles turned out really well. Also a comment to Jackie: you go girl I would of never done that in my life. Hope every one has a good week!!

  6. The students teaching class--what a great idea! The story about the basketball championship was very interesting.
    ~Mrs. Barba

  7. The blog looks great guys. I thought the basketball stuff was fun to learn about. -Rocco
