Thursday, January 12, 2012

Weekly Update 1/13/12 by Cici, Stephen, Nicholas, and Shane

This week's bloggers, representing the healthy foods groups: Stephen, Shane, Nicholas, and Cici.
This week's Community Project Update is from our healthy foods groups.  
Group 1 members are Kate, Stephen, Max, CiCi, and Samson
Group 2 members are Shane, Nicholas, Elton, Eddie, and Andrew

So far for our project we researched healthy lunch menus and ingredients; talked to the District 25 food service director Mrs. Hines-Newell about rerouting the cafeteria and offering healthier choices; and surveyed all of the sixth graders to see what types of vegetables they would like offered in the cafeteria.  Two things we are really proud of are that V-8 Fusion drinks are now being sold in the cafeteria, based on our suggestion, and a table with vegetables displayed will be in the middle of the line so that people will see them and buy them!  We have more plans for encouraging healthy eating, and we are very happy with our success so far! 

The new V-8 Fusion juice in the cafeteria.

We love V-8 Fusion!
On Tuesday we practiced our Spanish by skyping with Amanda, a family friend of Mrs. Ziegenfuss's who is a teacher in Spain.  In college she majored in accounting and minored in Spanish and then decided to teach in Spain to improve her Spanish-speaking skills. We asked her questions about how her life is in Spain and about traditions in Spain.  We asked them in Spanish, and she answered in Spanish and then English.  We learned that everywhere in her town in walkable and that her apartment is cold.  We also learned that she traveled to France and lots of other places because other countries are closer and cheaper to get to than they are for us in the U.S.  Listen below to some of our conversations!

In drama we are learning about advertising and commercials.  Below Mili, Max, and Kevin are performing their creative commercial for gym shoes using advertising that appeals to vanity.

In social studies we are learning about Judaism.  Morgan and her 8th grade sister Blaire came to Sigma Team Time to teach us about their religion and the Hebrew language. Here we are trying our best to sing the Aleph-Bet, the Hebrew alphabet song.  Thanks to Morgan and Blaire for sharing their culture and religion with us!

Blaire and Morgan teaching the Aleph-Bet.

This is a Hebrew comic book.
Shane can "read" in different languages--even Hebrew!

Teachers are students, too! :)  Here James is teaching Mrs. Ziegenfuss how to use iMovie.

Here is Cici during our smell lab in science.  We talked about smell and memory and how close they are to each other in our brains.  Cici was able to identify nine of the fifteen smells--the best on Sigma!

1 comment:

  1. It looks like Sigma is doing some really engaging activities! I hope to come and observe soon! :) Mrs. Hallmark
