Sunday, November 4, 2012

Weekly Update 11/2/12

This week's bloggers are ready to eat candy! 
(Three Musketeers,  it looks like)
Michael P., Tyler, Rocco, Om, Paul

Spirit Week: 
TMS Student Council sponsored Spirit Week because of Halloween, and we had fun dressing up in different themes each day.

Monday: Crazy/Lazy Day
Kayce, Tyler (me!), Matt, Jack, and Isabel 

Sean, Carol, Emma, Cassy, Annie, Charlie
 Cecelia, and Emilia in front

Jersey Day
Jack, Isabel, Michael K., Kayce, Lorie, Colin, Tyler (me!), Paul, 
and Emilia in front

Period 3 showing their spirit!

Emilia, Rhea, Annie, Kayce, and Connor

Period 3 in their costumes

Twin Day
Trey and Matt (and Sean photobombing)

Jackie and her friend Laura

Patrycja and her friend, Steffani

Paw PRIDE Spirit Day
Period 2

Period 3


Mock Election:  On Thursday in social studies we got the chance to vote for president and congressperson in the Thomas mock election.  PTA volunteers including Mrs. Delahanty helped organize this fun event.  We are awaiting the results of our Thomas vote.

Isabel and Keatyn casting their votes

Lining up to vote

Ziran and Tyler voting

Devin and Jackie casting their votes on iPads

Visit from Mr. Ronzio:  
Last Tuesday Rocco's dad, Mr. Ronzio, volunteered to visit our team and tell us all about engineering.   He was a very interesting speaker, and we all enjoyed listening to his presentation and asking him lots of questions.  
Thank you, Mr. Ronzio, for taking the time to visit Thomas!!

Mr.Ronzio giving us an engineering problem to solve.  
At the end of the period, Nathan W. had the right answer!

Mr. Ronzio explaining all the different types of engineering.

Here we all are watching the presentation. 

                                           Rocco anxious to get his turn to ask his dad a question.

Rocco and his dad

∑igma Celebrations!
Congratulations to everyone on a GREAT first quarter of 
sixth grade!

Michael P. made this cool ∑igma logo using a website called

Trey carrying a lot of history books with Jack, showing their Paw PRIDE by being responsible.

Colin's static hair!


  1. Blog looks great! Way to go Mr Ronzio!
    Keep up the great work Sigma!
    The Blumenfelds

  2. Looks like a fun week, can't wait to see who won in the election.

  3. I love all of the pictures this week! We had a pretty fun time! :)

  4. Another week packed full of fun! Great job everyone!!!
    ~Mrs. Ronzio

  5. I can't believe how many people there were in period 3 who wore jerseys. -Alex S.

  6. I like the awesome sigma sign Michael.

  7. Great blog guys! Spirit week was great and voting was fun. It was a great week!
    Carol H.

  8. Love the Spirit Wear guys! Keep the Paw Pride up!!!CPB

  9. Wow that looks awesome spirit week was awesome.

  10. How can Trey hold all those books?!
