Our bloggers for this week: Sammy, Hannah, Kate, and Jasmine! |
Mrs. Lussem helping Josh and Jake research
the Hanging Gardens of Babylon for our monument project. |
David R., Andrew, and Shane are making a literature presentation to teach the class
about nonfiction for our Reader's Workshop. |
Josh making an alligator logo in art. |
More logo painting in art class. |
Mr. Damico talking to Stephen about his zoo logo. |
During Sigma Project time Mr. Morse from the computer lab
taught us how to use laptops easily without the mouse. |
Eddie and Kevin showing Mick's family crest for artifact sharing in Social Studies. |
Our Sigma light models that we made in science class
to learn the four things we need to see an object. |
Andrew demonstrating how to find someone's blind spot. |
Other things we did this week:
1. We learned about words containing the roots geo and terra that connect to our social studies key terms.
2. We wrote and shared about a place that was special to us and a time we lost something to practice focus and showing in our writing.
3. We are teaching each other about literary genres and the parts of a story by making Keynote presentations, wordles, and iMovies to share with the class.
4. Our social studies monument project research is almost done. Next week we will start building our monuments!
5. In math we started to look at the coordinate graphing and how to crawl before climbing or repelling.
6. Lights out! We learned the parts of the eye and about our optic nerves and are also researching on what types of people are the right kind for glasses, contacts and LASIK surgery.